The 500 Cal Diet


Don’t panic you won’t be hungry using the HCG Patches. The HCG stimulates your body to use the abnormal and unwanted fat stores as food – so you don’t get run down. Also as you lose weight your face won’t look haggard, unlike most other diets where you lose good fat. Only eat until full, don’t overeat.


Any amount of coffee, tea, herbal teas. You can also make a soda with mineral water and flavoured stevia. You can use one of your fruits here. eg: 1 chip of strawberries or 1 cup stewed apple. Check out our Recipe Page onĀ


Both meals are the same – choose either 4 ounces (11 kilograms) of meat, chicken, fish or one hardboiled egg – with a big salad. The fish, chicken or steak should fit inside the palm of your hand. Also coffee, tea, herb tea or stevia flavoured sodas.

Note – Not enough protein in your diet will slow your ability to lose weight. Proteins are used every single day to keep the body going. Because they are used to develop, grow and maintain just about every part of our body – from our skin and hair to our digestive enzymes and immune system antibodies – they are constantly being broken down and must be replaced. If you can’t eat two servings of either meat, fish, chicken or egg per day, then use whey powder as below.

WheyIf you too rushed to cook you can blend a cup of water, some of your milk, some of your fruit and 2 tbsp of good quality isolate whey powder (pure protein) instead of your meat, chicken, fish or egg, just for that meal. You can flavour with stevia also.

Choose only lean meats and free range chicken. All visible fat must be removed before cooking and the portion should be weighed raw. Cook all meat, chicken or fish on a grill, baking paper or non-stick pan so no fat.

Veal or Steakfree-range only because they are oestrogen hormone free. Estrogens given to cattle promote fattening them up. Do not use fat-marbled steak.

Chicken breastfree range and no skin.

No No Fishno oily fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, tuna, trout or kippers.

  • Good Fish
  • Fresh White Fish
  • Halibut
  • Swordfish
  • Bass
  • Flounder
  • Pike
  • John dory
  • Orange roughy
  • Snapper
  • Crab meat
  • Lobster
  • Shrimp
  • Jew fish

Foods can be seasoned with:

  • Sea or rock salt
  • Pepper
  • Vinegar
  • Mustard Powder
  • Garlic
  • Sweet-Basil
  • Parsley
  • Thyme
  • Marjoram
  • Chilli powder
  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Bragg Liquid Aminos (like soy sauce but no fat or sugar, available from health food shops or online)

A hot vegetable dish, soup or cold salad made with only the following fresh vegetables. Two cups total. These vegetables are low in carbs. Use spices and seasonings that are listed above to add flavour. Create an amazing inspiring meal.

  • Asparagus
  • Beetroot
  • Beans
  • Broccoli
  • Beet-greens
  • Cauliflower
  • Carrots
  • Cabbage
  • Chard
  • Chicory
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Fennel
  • Greens Leaves
  • Herbs
  • Lettuce
  • Mushrooms
  • Onions
  • Peppers
  • Parsnips
  • Red radishes
  • Snow peas
  • Spinach
  • Tomato
  • Zucchini

Raw vegetables and fruit have live enzymes and they make your whole body sing.

Fruita treat between meals or at breakfast – Total 2 per day. Any type of fruit is ok.

Be sensible fruit is a carb and carbs stimulate insulin and thus fat storage. E.g:

  • Apple large
  • Strawberries (1 chip)
  • Large slice watermelon
  • Orange large
  • Grapefruit

No No No – avocados, potatoes, olives, nuts, chia seeds, any seeds, tofu, coconut, yogurt, butter, cheese, oils.

Bread2 cruskets, rice cakes, melba toasts or grissini bread sticks per day – but no butter duh!

Eggs1 free range per day instead of the meat, chicken or fish.

LiquidsOnly drink tea, coffee, herbal teas, plain water or mineral water in any quantity. Try to drink 2+ litres of water a day. Water is essential. Fill two bottles with purified or filtered water each morning add a pinch of sea or rock salt to help your body absorb it. (Don’t use commercial salt from supermarket that has a chemical free flowing agent added). Read all labels. No alcohol or sugar filled sodas. Add 5 drops of flavoured stevia (eg; coco cola flavour) if you don’t like water so much.

MilkHalf cup of skim milk per day.

Flavoured sweet drinksadd five drops of flavoured stevia to mineral water, soda water or plain water to make many flavours of sodas. e.g. chocolate, orange, mint, vanilla cream, berry, lemon, hazelnut, peppermint, cinnamon, toffee. Add ice cubes. Or freeze into ice blocks and eat as many as you like every day.

Extra stuff

If you have a lot of weight to lose:With our HCG patches, we have found from client’s feedback that you can go as long as you wish since it is hormone free with just the HCG frequency signature triggering the fat release. We’ve had clients go 90 days and lose 100 pounds/45 kilos.

But obviously you need to be sensible and take a break from the diet if you feel run down or are just too hungry – your body will tell you when it’s time to stop for a while. You can always start again after a one month break. You must take adult responsibility for your own health and wellbeing.

Drink plenty of waterYour body hides toxins in your fat cells. When you burn them for calories, you dump those toxins into the blood stream. Water will help flush them out. If you don’t drink water when you detox, as you will certainly do when dieting – you will have headaches and aches and pains as the toxins are not being released from the body/blood stream.

Some exerciseWe highly recommend a 10-30 minute walk each day. This stimulates your metabolism, helps burn fat and tones your body. Start slow if unused to exercise and build up slowly, you will notice an increase in energy and a sense of wellbeing when using the HCG Patch which will be very helpful and empowering. Also as you lose weight you will feel lighter and it won’t be so hard to move.

A good quality rebounder is very good exercise for everyone no matter their health or fitness level – it is concentrated exercise and stimulates all of your cells. Vibration machines are also very good to move energy and break down fat. Both of these add oxygen to all of your cells. Walking in nature is of course fantastic. Aim to be barefoot on the grass every day to reconnect to nature and to earth and balance yourself.

Do not start any new strenuous exercise while on this diet protocol.

Morning weigh inEach morning weigh yourself naked around the same time. Keep a diary of your weight loss. This will help you stick to the diet and also reward you for your effort the day before. Also have some clothes that are too small now, try them on every few days they will soon be too big. This incentive will empower you and make you feel excited and stimulated to continue. Some days you won’t lose weight on the scales but you are still losing fat, you can’t not lose weight/fat on 500 calories a day.

Wearing the patchWearing the patch at all times is very important. They contain the unique frequency signatures of HCG, thyroid, adrenals, pituitary and liver. Along with fat metabolizes that trigger the hypothalamus [signal centre in the brain] to release fat and help optimize the other glands to function normally, in helping you lose weight.

Wear a patch for 4 daystake it off and add a new one, put on the opposite side of the tummy or fatty area to last time. If you feel hunger – it means your blood sugar is dropping so rub the patch, this bring up your blood sugar. Some people wear two patches at a time but it isn’t necessary and may be too stimulating. Everyone’s needs are different. The patch needs to be placed on a fatty area so the HCG energy can be absorbed easily, tummy, abdomen etc. Place away from hair or clothing like bra straps or waistband elastic.

ConstipationI strongly recommend if you have had years of constipation to do a bowel cleanse or detox, or a series of colonics before you start this program.

You can take 1 cascara-Sagrada herbal tablet at night once a week if constipated while on the program. Or eat 6 apples in a day. Eat nothing else for that day. This should get you moving and create a good cleanse. You must drink plenty of water every day to keep regular. You will go to the bathroom much less on this diet as you are eating so small. But if you don’t have regular bowel function, you might not show proper weight loss. Help your body to work correctly and to be in a healthy balance.

Also important

Don’t use or eat anything not on the diet. No salad dressings even if they say Diet on the label. No lotions or skin creams that contain food based oil, read the labels. Use a glycerine, or non-food-oil based moisturizer such as baby oil.

Take a vitamin & mineral supplement and a good quality (8-12 strands) probiotic every morning. Keep the probiotics refrigerated. You can buy the supplements from the supermarket and probiotic from a health food shop.

Taking measurements each week – You will weight yourself every day but take measurements once a week also. The reason is, if you plateau on losing weight (on the scales) for a few days to a week, which happens to many dieters, you will still see inches lost during this time. Record your measurements & weight to compare each week. You can also have some clothes that are too small now and try them on and see them get looser and looser as your diet progresses.

Note that if your scales don’t move down for a day or so you will still be losing fat.

SupportRead everything on our website so you are well informed and are taking responsibility for your own weight loss.