
Add flavoured stevia or xylitol and ice to purified or filtered water or mineral water to make yummy sodas. You can have as many a day as you wish.
Flavours available – chocolate, orange, mint, vanilla cream, berry, lemon, hazelnut, peppermint, cinnamon, toffee etc.

Vitamin Water Zero Go-Go. This type of Vitamin Water is sweetened with Stevia.


Iced Fruity Green Tea

Boil 1 litre of water

Soak 3-5 green tea bags for 5 minutes, remove tea bags and let cool.

Add flavoured stevia – e.g. pomegranate, raspberry, apricot, orange, lemon, mango or mix and match.

Pour into 2 litre jug and top up with water and ice cubes.

Add juice of 1 lemon if desired.


*Store in fridge and drink throughout the day. It’s very refreshing.

*Don’t overuse the stevia or it will be too sweet.

*You can make up bottles and keep in the fridge then they are ready to take out with you.