Whey Smoothie

Not enough protein in your diet will slow your ability to lose weight. Proteins are used every single day to keep the body going. Because they are used to develop, grow and maintain just about every part of our body – from our skin and hair to our digestive enzymes and immune system antibodies – they are constantly being broken down and must be replaced. If you can’t eat two servings of either meat, fish, chicken or egg per day, then take one tbsp. of whey powder as below.

So if you are rushed you can blend a cup of water, some of your milk, a few ice cubes, one of your fruit and 1 heaped tbsp. of good quality isolate whey powder (pure protein) instead of your meat, chicken, fish or egg, just for that meal. You can flavour with stevia also. You can buy isolate whey and stevia from health food shops or on-line.

Example smoothie – in blender

1 cup water, dash of milk, 2-3 drops lemon stevia, 1 heaped tbsp. isolate whey powder. A few ice cubes.

Add one of the following – 1 cup berries, a whole banana or a diced up whole orange, grapefruit, mango, large apple, pineapple, peace or nectarine ORĀ 1/2 cup of pitted cherries. Fresh, clean whole food with live enzymes.